Lake Pepin Legacy Alliance

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Clean Water Kitchen: LPLA Staff & Board Try Kernza(R)!

It is an exciting time in the world of agriculture! Momentum is building towards a new paradigm of sustainable agriculture focused on covering the land with vegetation year-round. The idea of “Continuous Living Cover” (CLC) ensures crops are always on the land to mitigate nutrient leaching, absorb excess water, secure soil, and store carbon. The Land Institute and Forever Green Initiative at the University of Minnesota are leading the development of winter annuals and perennial crops that support CLC objectives while maximizing farm profitability and environmental benefits.

Kernza(R) is a new perennial grain creating tremendous buzz because of its deep root system and market potential. The dense roots can exceed 10 feet deep! Created by the Land Institute, Kernza(R) is the trademark name given to this intermediate wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium), but new varieties are still being developed. The Forever Green Initiative at the University of Minnesota released its own Kernza(R) variety, called MN-Clearwater.

Kernza(R) is already being used in the “3 B’s”: breakfast, bread, and beer. And, just in the last year, Kernza(R) flour and grain became available for at-home baking and cooking! To celebrate, LPLA is promoting a Clean Water Kitchen Challenge from now until May 31st! Grab your own Kernza(R), experiment with some recipes, share your experience, and win a Kernza(R) prize package, including a Forever Green Cookbook from Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture (MISA) and Kernza (R) flour or grain from Perennial Pantry.

Learn more about the Clean Water Kitchen: Kernza(R) Baking Challenge here. Learn more:

For inspiration, the LPLA crew is experimenting with Kernza(R) in their own kitchens! LPLA ambassadors, Sandra Thielman (from Smiling Pelican Bakeshop) and Judy Krohn, created some special Kernza(R) recipes to share during Earth Week. And, LPLA staff and board share their baking adventures and recipe picks below.

Rylee’s Pick: Birchwood Cafe’s Kernza(R) Pancakes

Where to Find It: Beth Dooley on PBS NewsHour

Doug’s Pick: Kernza(R) Drop Biscuits

Where to Find It: Perennial Pantry Community Recipes

Kenz’s Pick: Perennial Blueberry & Ginger Scones

Where to Find It: Perennial Pantry Community Recipes